The Magic Wand Mind Set

The Magic Wand Mind Set

– why no practitioner can guarantee 100% success

Nick Kemp provides therapy in LeedsWhen Paul McKenna ran NLP trainings regularly in London, I used to receive regular referrals from his office for my practice in Leeds.

I had trained with his company in the 1990s and assisted on numerous NLP and Hypnosis courses for a number of years up until 2003 before I set up my own training business.

This was an invaluable apprenticeship in dealing with a huge range of individual expectational sets, especially as many clients (despite being repeatedly told) came to these NLP and Hypnosis courses for “therapy.”

Many such individuals expected what I term “the magic wand approach” where the practitioner would in a few moments magically remove all the clients problems without the client having to make any kind of change or do any kind of work whatsoever! No therapist or practitioner can guarantee 100% success rate, and I would consider anyone claiming this as extremely suspect.

The reason for this is that even if everything appears to be very positive in the initial session, the resultant change will only really become clear over a period of time. Many people who attended Paul McKenna’s events had seen him on TV and imagined that any problem could be resolved by a simple clicking of the fingers and saying “sleep!”

In recent years there have been similar reactions to Derren Brown, so many watching these carefully edited shows actually believe that anyone can be hypnotized to do anything in seconds, which of course is not the case.

What I Offer – Therapy in Leeds

When I see clients they receive my very best attention from many years of experience working in this field. Before I agree to see any client I always request that they complete a full set of client notes, so we are both clear about what we are going to focus on during the session. I also direct clients towards my website which also clarifies what to expect. Clients pay for the time I give them and most clients only need a couple of sessions regardless of the type of problem they are seeking help for.

The PCW model is an excellent set of tools for assisting with a wide range of client issues and to date I have conducted over 7000 hours in private practice using this model with excellent success, on an average of between 2 – 3 sessions.

Nick Kemp Therapy Leeds

Nick Kemp sees clients at his practice in Leeds and over Skype. To discover how Nick may be able to help you, contact Nick via the contact form here: Contact Form

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